Parents have a tough job of protecting their children’s privacy.
While they have significant legal rights to permit or deny use of personal information, to monitor and edit that information, actually keeping on top of it all is a challenge. Kids are voracious consumers of apps, sites and services for both education and entertainment, and thousands of new apps and threats show up every week.
What they want is a simple way to understand what information is being requested, and why, and to make sure it isn’t used for purposes they don’t approve.

When a request is made:
- Whether from their child’s school, or a provider, parents receive notification by mail and text.
- Notification includes a link to their secure portal, where they sign in, and must verify their identity.
- No personal information is divulges or exposed during the process.

Once on the i-SAFE Direct My Ok portal, verified adults can:
- Identify any current requests
- Review any documents and other media that was part of the communication.
- Decide what privacy statements to review.
- Approve or disapprove requests.
- Keep a record of all requests and supporting documents over time.
- Documents are 100% under control at all times.